

August 7, 2024 Libor Forst
  • League of federations and clubs available in series results
  • Historical placements of a person in snapshots of a series available


July 2, 2024 Libor Forst
  • Reimplementation of TempO results prediction
  • Two columns with rank (current and final) on predicted pages
  • Number of ready (unpredicted) answers displayed on predicted pages


June 11, 2024 Libor Forst
  • Significant reducing of HTML page sizes
  • Improved prediction of classic courses
  • Improved prediction of timed controls sent per answers
  • Better alignment of club names and logos
  • For filtering of countries, spaces should be added (like ' CZE ')
  • Relay results reformatted


June 3, 2024 Radek Strnad
  • Tab switching in results changes links' URL so refreshes respect selected tab


May 29, 2024 Libor Forst
  • For races with reduced results (like ETOC relays) the reduced version is default
  • In timed control analysis, overtimed and manually entered results are ignored


April 4, 2024 Libor Forst
  • Click to series column header in race results shows series results


March 18, 2024 Libor Forst
  • Lithuanian localization (thanx to Andrius Jovaiša)


March 9, 2024 Libor Forst
  • Norwegian localization (thanx to Arne Inge Kolstad)
  • Detailed results of external races (from IOF XML format)


March 7, 2024 Libor Forst
  • Finnish localization (thanx to Petteri Hakala)


February 27, 2024 Libor Forst
  • Minor improvements of mobile formats
  • List of races contains direct links to categories
  • List of series contains list of included races


December 29, 2023 Radek Strnad
  • Implementation of a new graphics
  • Paging and filtering in list of persons and clubs


December 23, 2023 Antonín Forst
  • Referring to category tab in results implemented
  • Competitor and club name in results are linked to list of persons/clubs
  • Club logo and membership from-to dates added to thec lub member list
  • Selection of subset of races shown only for big series results
  • Improved decoration of printed results


December 2, 2023 Antonín Forst
  • New homepage with basic infos and videos
  • List of persons and clubs in VUI
  • Hiding/showing columns in results on demand
  • Total rank added to timed control detail analysis
  • Local/international race name selected by country and chosen language


November 10, 2023 Antonín Forst
  • Race results rows extent selection: full vs. 50 %
  • Snapshot rows extent selection: full vs. top 100
  • Long period series snapshot extent selection: recent vs. all races
  • Month separation in snapshots


October 14, 2023 Martin Forst
  • Optional listing only the first half of results (including relevant task statistics)
  • Snapshots contain by default only (10) recent races
  • Snapshots contain by default only the first 100 competitors
  • Heading of column with series scores in race results contains race coefficient


October 8, 2023 Martin Forst
  • Localization respects national date format conventions
  • Reduced (relay) order (for ETOC)


September 12, 2023 Antonín Forst
  • Export results to CSV


August 12, 2023 Antonín Forst

Version with implemented proposals from WTOC 2023

  • Online result scrolling works also in Firefox
  • Multiheat races support (startlist, series, organizers' score)
  • Format changes in sprint results


June 26, 2023 Radek Strnad
  • Improved mobile format


June 5, 2023 Libor Forst
  • Predictive results of races and series available also in VUI
  • Localization authors added to the page footer


May 22, 2023 Libor Forst
  • Timed control analysis shows also splittimes with penalization
  • Prediction at classic courses calculates also current course time
  • Prediction at classic courses affects also total results of event
  • Recent changes are marked in total results, as well as in race ones
  • Column Category included to startlist
  • Added a new result refresh period: 2 minutes


April 28, 2023 Radek Strnad
  • Shared ranks in the results are only hidden if no filter is applied
  • Size of breadcrumb navigation reduced


April 12, 2023 Libor Forst
  • Displaying next-period coefficients for long-term series
  • Tooltips on race column headers in series results
  • Tooltips on race scores rating explanantion


April 3, 2023 Antonín Forst

The final (minor version number) release before the WTOC 2023.

  • Timed controls splittimes analysis available
  • Recent punches animation in Online results
  • Series shapshot contains filter editbox
  • Race results header contains Series logos


March 10, 2023 Libor Forst
  • Events can have abbreviations used in column headers in series results


March 10, 2023 Radek Strnad
  • Filtering available in results and startlist display
  • Animation of recent answers


March 6, 2023 Libor Forst
  • People with different number of stations in TempO are separated in results by a color line


February 2, 2023 Radek Strnad
  • Competition series were renamed to Series


January 31, 2023 Libor Forst
  • New rules: from multiple answers, the first one is accepted


January 27, 2023 Libor Forst
  • Cut-off line in results of qualification races (Clive Allen 's suggestion)
  • Rank on/after each station in TempO races


January 22, 2023 Libor Forst
  • Startlist output divided by categories


January 19, 2023 Libor Forst
  • Half times of timed controls implemented
  • Displaying detail results w/o answers (just colors)


January 14, 2023 Libor Forst
  • Name and surname switched (Clive Allen 's suggestion)
  • Highlighting of recently updated competitors' results


December 14, 2022 Radek Strnad
  • Competition results divided by categories


December 10, 2022 Libor Forst
  • Users can select results refresh period by themselves


December 7, 2022 Radek Strnad
  • Competition snapshot logic completely redesigned


November 27, 2022 Libor Forst
  • Usage of national and international names of events, competitions etc. corrected


November 13, 2022 Libor Forst
  • total result of a competition is displayed also in front of race results
  • all competition scores displayed with a fixed number of digits


November 8, 2022 Radek Strnad
  • Language switching corrected


November 4, 2022 Radek Strnad
  • lokalizace VUI


November 1, 2022 Libor Forst
  • Clubs in results displayed with club logo
  • Competitor country chosen by personal data and not club data


October 22, 2022 Libor Forst
  • Better graphics of race results
  • Snapshots sorted by end date


October 18, 2022 Libor Forst

The first numbered version.

Main feature:

  • Switching between startlist and results

Initial version

September 27, 2022 Radek Strnad
  • versions added
  • footer added
  • can switch Results from Full to Brief
  • native Competitions are no longer shown on Competition menu